
Our values govern our actions and help us to do the right thing, the right way. We are dedicated to the highest standards of corporate culture and professional conduct.

Sudarshan supports effective engagement with Institutional Investors with high quality disclosures.
Sudarshan supports effective engagement with Institutional Investors with high quality disclosures.

Embedding the Principles of Good Governance

We align our organisational philosophy by embedding the principles of good governance in our business and we nurture an open and transparent culture to strengthen our functioning and achieve business goals within relevant boundaries.

ERM Framework

Sudarshan has strengthened ERM Framework and cyber security infrastructure (in progress), as well as improved response time for anticipated risk events.

Internal Control Mechanism

Sudarshan has implemented measures such as BPR exercise, upgradation of SAP, implementation of audit observations for strengthening Internal Control Mechanism.

Improving Business Practices

Sudarshan holds membership in CII, PMAI, Trade Bodies and is playing active role for improvement in business practices for the Pigment Industry.

Explore Governance